Nov 8, 2010

Conversations with Scarlett #1

At Target

Waiting in line to check-out behind a disheveled, grumpy looking man.

Scarlett: (To the man) Hi! We take Vito to the doctor!

This kid has gotten to where she'll talk to just about anybody. She was right at least; we were going to take our cats to get their vaccinations later.Grumpy Man just stared at her blankly while Target Lady scanned his items.Scarlett stared back. Scarlett turned to me.

Scarlett: He can’t talk mommy?

Me:  (Leaning down to whisper) Scarlett let’s be quiet, ok? Just talk to mommy.

Scarlett: But he can’t talk?

Grumpy Man was not amused. He then looked at me. I smiled and shrugged. He stared, no smile.

Scarlett: (Giving up on Grumpy Man, she began singing at the top of her lungs.) Old MacDonald had a farm EIEIO! And on this farm he had a... (long pause) COW! EIEIO!

Grumpy Man looked at me as if to say, Are you going to make her stop? He didn't even crack a tiny smile. Jerk. She‘s a two year old for goodness sakes! I noticed he was staring at her hood too; the hood I couldn't get her to take off.

Me: Scarlett, let’s sing very quietly, ok?

Scarlett: NO!

Me: And let’s take off your hood too. You don’t need it inside.

Scarlett: No mommy!

Me: Well why not?

Scarlett: Because mommy! My hair’s cold!


On the Way to Church

Scarlett: Will Jesus be at church mommy?

Me: Well, yes, he’ll be there, but you just can’t see him.

Scarlett: But mommy, where's Jesus's car?

At 3:40 a.m

Scarlett: Mommy! Mommy! Come cover me up!

I went. I covered her up. I walked out of her room without saying anything.

Scarlett: Mommy! Teddy needs covers too!

I was half way back to my bed. I turned back around, went back in her room, covered up Teddy, and left, again, without saying anything.

Scarlett: Thank you mommy!

At home today (After watching an old Santa cartoon with Chris yesterday)

Sarlett was dragging around one of my huge cloth laundry bags. It was filled with all sorts of her toys. She was going around to different corners of the house. She’d stop, pull out a toy, put it on the ground, gather her bag back up, and walk around some more. She came to me, stopped, dug around in the bag some, and pulled out her beloved Curious George stuffed animal.

Scarlett: Mommy, this one’s for you!

Me: Thank you!

She gathered up the bag and dragged it off again.

Me: What are you doing?

Scarlett: I’m makin’ Christmas mommy!