Sep 27, 2010

Hodge Podge

Scarlett is settling into preschool more and more.  Her two teachers are so wonderful.  They give me full updates on her progress when I pick her up.  They tell me she is getting a little more comfortable and at ease each time she attends.  She was having accidents so I was putting her in a pull up, but on Friday she told them she wanted to wear her underwear!  And then she did fine all day using the potty for them with no accidents.  Also on Friday she finally participated in art time and actually enjoyed it they said.  She loves going to music too.  She still gets panicky when I drop her off, and she won't play on the playground for some reason.  At home, she's always asking when she can go back to preschool though and wants to include her teachers in our prayers to thank God for them. 

On another note, Scarlett has started drawing faces at home, and I think it so fascinating and sweet! The first time she drew a face and showed me, I was quite surprised.  Here's one she did, saying it was Vito, our cat:

 She did this one yesterday:

Also this weekend, Scarlett said something very funny when were were eating out.  The waitress was talking to Scarlett.  It went something like this:

Waitress: What's your name?
Scarlett: Scarlett!
Waitress: How old are you?
Scarlett: I'm two!
Scarlett: (Pointing to me) And that's Michelle!
We all died laughing.
Waitress: (Pointing to Chris) And who's this?
Scarlett: That's Daddy!

Every day we get such a kick out of the things she says.

She's also developing quite an imagination.  She told me this whole story about how she had to go to time out at preschool.  When I asked her why, she said it was because she hit.  I asked her who else had to go to time out, and she said "that girl." She included many other details.  I couldn't wait to ask her teachers about it.  They laughed when I told them saying they don't even do time out there, and that they couldn't even imagine Scarlett hitting anyone. (To which I told them, Oh just wait!) They said she has never even done anything remotely bad. (Again, just wait!)  So she made up that whole little story! We've definitely got our hands full with this little two year old!


  1. I'm impressed that she participated in art. I do not think I'll have an art project all year. Dawson is not going to be the next Picasso.
