Oct 6, 2009

A is for apple!

Scarlett didn't want the little apple slices I was cutting for her the other day and kept pointing to the whole thing. She loves saying "Apple!" So I gave in and just let her have at it. She worked on that thing for a good twenty minutes...and cried and cried when I finally took it away. Everything is drama these days! But is was pretty fun watching my baby eat her first whole apple all by herself! Wasn't it just the other day when she could barely chew a banana???


  1. WOW! What a big girl! I miss my Scarlett--feels like I haven't seen her in forever!!!

  2. she's so cute!! big girl michelle first the apple next she'll be on dates at the park....

  3. Oh man I feel your pain! There is nothing worse then mommy getting sick! It just can not happen. I pray all the time that I will stay healthy. Reese had the flu and that is hard as well...trying to keep her happy and trying to keep the baby away from her, cleaning toys ect... man I was worn slick! Glad you are feeling better!
