Apr 2, 2009

Here She Comes Squeaks!

New shoes always make a girl feel much better so I let Scarlett open an early birthday present, her Wee Squeak shoes!

And this take is funny because she keeps trying to put her bow back on after she pulled it out...she must realize how crazy I get when she pulls them out! She's actually big on taking off everything: her shoes, her bibs, her diapers even! She is such a mess!


  1. I love the shoes that squeek! I bought Dawson some sandles and he was cracking up hearing himself walk! My mom and I got the best laugh out of it. She's walking so well!!! I think that Dawson has a little while before he will be walking. Check out www.littlemonkeytoes.com. They have some really cute little girl shoes, and a FEW boys! ;) I ordered Dawson's squeeky shoes (Mooshoo Trainers) from there.

  2. I love watching her walk, those early steps are always so cute! And she already takes her diapers off??? I just read how that is a sign that they could be ready for potty training- you just might have a child genius on your hands that does EVERYTHING early, including potty training!

  3. How Cute! I hope she has a Happy Birthday! I don't think I will be able to make it next weekend.... :(
