Oct 23, 2008

Breathable Baby

I posted a little rant about bumper pads a while back because I had read an article that detailed the fatal hazards of bumper pads, got really scared, and took Scarlett's off. Well, about two days after that I realized why bumper pads were invented. Without the bumper pad she really didn't want to nap. She knew she could now watch for me through her crib bars. Then I would hear these frantic screams through the monitor and would find her ankle or arm hanging out of the crib twisted so that she couldn't get them out. It was a disaster to say the least.

I knew I couldn't continue to use her original bumper because it was extra plush (suffocation hazard) and the ties were only on the top (not secure enough) and were way too long (strangulation hazard).

Then my friend Aubrey told me about the Breathable Baby Bumpers she found. They are great! They have no ties, but instead secure onto the crib with velcro. Also, they are made out of mesh so if a baby does decide to snuggle up against one, there is no suffocation hazard. So far I love the bumper! It fits the crib very securely and pulls nice and tight. It also makes changing the sheet so much easier. And it keeps those little limbs nice and safe inside the crib! I bought it online at Wal-Mart and Babies R US sells them too. Here's what it looks like:


  1. Good idea! I haven't seen these before (but just added one to my registry!) I can't wait to see everyone on Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh now that's a great idea!!! I might have to look into that. Dawson is bumper padless also!

  3. thanks for the idea. I had definitely decided no bumpers after your previous post and some research of my own.

  4. Hey thanks for the shout out :O) I'm famous now! Ooooh! The pink are so cute!
