At this stage Scarlett weighs....drum roll please...... 20 pounds and 7 ounces! No, your eyes aren't deceiving you and that was not a typo! She is 27 1/2 inches long which apparently is really long for her age as well. These numbers place her above the 95th percentile for her age which means you would have a hard time finding a bigger 6 month old than her! Dr. Lanman says there is no concern; she's just a big baby! Especially since her length is keeping up with her weight. I think it's quite a hoot!
One of Scarlett's biggest recent developments is her ability to sit up unsupported. She also loves to hear her voice and has this high pitched scream that she loves to hear most of all...yippee for us. And you won't believe this, but she really can make the "d" "m" and "b" sounds so some of her babbling sounds a lot like "dada" and "mamma."
This is a fun, fun stage, and we are just in awe of our little angel. I never imagined that parenthood would be this rewarding.
Scarlett is so cute!! Dawson is trying to compete with her in size!! He was 19 lbs 2 oz. at his apt. that I took him to on Monday. He doesn't have his 6 month apt. until Nov. 3rd. I don't think he's as long as Scarlett but we will see. There is a cranial specialist here at OU medical center and that is where we would have gone. It's still not 100% round but I think that will take some time. It does look a TON better!!
ReplyDeleteshe is just so cute!!