I was a little stunned to check on her the other night in her crib to find that she had turned completely around somehow, and her head was at the opposite end of where it was when I had put her down! She is more vocal now which is great when she's laughing and babbling with joy and a little nerve rattling when she's screaming and mad. She's not a fussy baby, but the girl knows how to throw a royal fit every now and then!
THANKFULLY, she sleeps for about 8 hours at a time now, from 8 pm to 4:30sih. Then she eats and goes back to sleep until about 8 am. I'm finally feeling less sleep deprived!!
She loves grabbing her feet when she's on her back. She hasn't rolled over yet, but we're practicing! I'm fearful (mainly because I'm breastfeeding) that she's teething. She slobbers a lot and loves to bite cold teething rings and cool, damp wash cloths. So we're expecting teeth very soon.
Life is great, and I read something the other day that is very true. By this stage, us mothers finally have our "Gerber" babies we've always imagined: fat and smiley and completely scrumptious. I love her more than I can express. She is my sunshine, my joy, my life. I love you, my sweet sweet Scarlett.
I forgot to snap a picture during the day today. So here she is after being put down for the night. Happy 4 months Scarlett!
Don't grow up too fast on us! I love you my sweet Scarlett!
Happy 4 months! I keep checking Dawson's mouth too to see if he is teething! He's drooling like crazy and everything goes right into his mouth!