Sep 12, 2010

Good-Bye Paci

Scarlett will be 2 1/2 in October, and she still sleeps with a paci. I've been dreading taking it away, but I don't want it to affect her speech or her teeth, and I knew the longer I waited, the worse it was going to be.  She's been sleeping at preschool without one so I got brave, and we threw them away yesterday.  I tried to make a big production out of it so she would get that they are really gone for good.

First, I told her we were going to give all her pacis away to baby Jaxon because she's a big girl now. (Which is funny because baby Jaxon is my cousin's little boy who quit using a paci a long time ago, and he's almost two, but Scarlett thinks of him as "baby" so I went with it...)

She colored a picture for "baby Jaxon" as well during which I let her have one last paci fest.

Ta Da!

One last time...

In the box they go!

In goes the picture too...

Ready for the mailman!

Bye-Bye Forever! 

Since she only had them when she slept, I knew it was going to be awful at nap-time and nighttime, and I was partly right.  That first day she never took a nap.  She just cried in her room for an hour.  Once she cried out, "I need a paci for just one more minute!" Poor baby! Then the last 30 minutes, she just sang songs, but she never slept.  That night she went right to sleep and never cried or asked for it. 

Then today, she had a hard time at nap-time again and only fell asleep after Chris laid on the floor by her bed.  It's pretty sad for me too; that was the last real "baby" thing she had.  But not having those nasty things around as a crutch will be very very nice!! 


  1. I dread this day. Our new thing is putting the paci in Allison's pocket each day. She knows it's there and never gets it out until she wants to sleep.

  2. Poor thing!! I think that is why she is sick...paci withdrawls.

  3. I think I'll send Dawson to your house for both potty training and binky bye bye week! ;) I'm planning to have him give it to Santa. Wish us luck with that one.
