Feb 17, 2010

Mine! Mine! Mine!

I think this all began with that dang Sesame Street episode where everybody gets "mine-itis." Scarlett knows I don't like it when she shouts, mine!, so it usually comes out of her mouth when she's frustrated, or mad at me, or having a difficult time sharing with her cousins.  She'll grab the object, usually a toy, hold it tight against her, and assert, mine! She'll then look to me for a reaction. If other kids aren't involved, I try to ignore her so she'll get the idea that it's not the cool thing to do. It's actually amusing that she says it during the day when it's just me and her, I mean it's not like I'm fighting over toys with her, but I guess she just wants to make it very clear to me and the cats what all is hers. Drama. Queen. She'll grab my purse, My purse! She'll grab Chris's cap, My hat! Mine!  She'll grab the book I'm reading, Mine! Today she was in a particularly argumentative mood, and while I was changing her diaper, she grabbed her foot, glared at me, and shouted, Mine! My toes! She stared me down, daring me to argue with her.  Of course, I only held in my laugh.  Yes, my dear, those are indeed yours!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is my least favorite word currently! A few weeks ago I got so frustrated with the "mines!" that I instituted a rule that anything she claimed as "mine" became Mommy's (she hasn't claimed her toes yet, not sure what I'll do if that comes up!) She asked why, and I told her "Because until you get a job and start paying for things around here, everything is Mommy & Daddy's and we let you use it." She thought for a minute, and then asked "What's a job?" Not my best parenting moment, admittedly, but it did stop the mines for awhile!
