Dec 23, 2008

Doc Band #2

What I've been dreading since Scarlett got her first Doc Band became reality last Monday. She needs a second helmet. This means another 12 weeks and another $3,600.

Babies' heads grow very rapidly. Every other week when we go for check-ups, they shave out some of the foam from the inside of the helmet to make more room. Eventually there's no foam left to shave, and the helmet becomes too small. Usually, the plagiocephaly (flat head) has corrected itself before the baby outgrows the helmet. However, some babies grow out of the helmet before their head has been completely corrected, as in Scarlett's case. She has made a lot of progress which they are able to show us with their incredible technology, but she still has a little more to go.

At first, Chris and I did not want to put her through this for another 3 months and the cost didn't help either. However, the more and more we looked at her head, we realized it is still a little flat on the back and side. We knew that if we didn't go with the second helmet and she had problems later in life, we would never forgive ourselves. So, helmet #2 here we come. It takes 2 weeks to make, so she'll have a little break at least. And hopefully by her first birthday she'll be helmet free with a nice little round head to show off!

1 comment:

  1. Yes she will have a perfectly round head to match the rest of her little perfect self! She's darling. I will keep you all in my prayers!
