Jan 15, 2011

A Picture Really Is Worth a Thousand Words

If I was entering some contest or something like that which required me to choose one photo that best represented my child's personality.  This is the picture I would submit.

Scarlett is so full of life.

She's dramatic and extremely animated.

She loves being around other people and kids.

She's constantly talking.

She's already into shutting her door to keep me out.

She's incredibly observant.

In many ways, she's wise beyond her years.

The other day the phone rang, I answered it, realized it was a telemarketer, and hung up. She was watching and asked, "Wrong number?"

She's very loving. Always kissing, hugging and babying.

We were in the car the other morning about to head to preschool.  I was mainly talking out loud to myself and was naming off everything we had in the car to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything. "We have your lunch, your backpack, your nap mat, your coat...."  To which she interrupted, "Mommy! We forgot your purse!"  She was right.

She's fiercely independent. 

She put the entire outfit on she's wearing here. Flip flops (it's January and there's snow outside), some new white leggings that go with a completely different top, her bathing suit cover up, her favorite sunglasses and headband, and her new umbrella.

So for some reason, seeing this picture that Chris captured with his phone, to me, just perfectly sums up my dynamic baby girl who will turn 3 in 3 short months.

3 going on 13. 

And I love her so much sometimes I think my heart could just burst.

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